Tuesday 6 May 2008

Murphy, Unit 6, 6.4

  1. Jenny was waiting for me when I arrived.
  2. 'What were you doing at this time yesterday?' 'I was asleep.'
  3. 'Did you go out last night?' 'No, I was too tired.'
  4. How fast were you driving when the accident happened?
  5. Sam took a photograph of me while I wasn't looking.
  6. We were in a very difficult position. We didn't know what to do.
  7. I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last saw him, he was trying to find a job.
  8. I was walking along the street when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Somebody was following me. I was scared and I started to run.
  9. When I was young, I wanted to be a pilot.
  10. Last night I drooped a plate when I was doing the washing up. Fortunately in didn't break.

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