Tuesday 13 May 2008

Murphy, Unit 11, 11.3

  1. Yes, he has been in hospital since Monday.
  2. No, I haven't seen her for three month.
  3. Yes, she has been married for ten years.
  4. Yes, I have been waiting for the last half hour.
  5. Yes, we have known each other a long time.
  6. No, I haven't played tennis for years.
  7. Yes, he has been watching TV all evening.
  8. No, I haven't watched TV for ages.
  9. Yes, I have had a headache all morning.
  10. No, he hasn't been ill since I've know him.
  11. Yes, I have been feeling ill all day.
  12. Yes, she has been living in London.
  13. No, I haven't been to the cinema for ages.
  14. Yes, I have always wanted to go to New York.

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