Saturday 21 March 2009

порядок слов

4 место - обстоятельства (бывают разные: образа действия - как?. / каким образом? / времени - когда? / места - где?). Обстоятельств в предложении может быть сразу несколько. В этом случае они располагаются в таком порядке: обстоятельство образа действия, обстоятельство места, обстоятельство времени: Девочка читает книгу медленно. (как?) Девочка читает книгу в библиотеке. (где?) Девочка читает книгу каждый день. (когда?) Девочка читает книгу медленно в библиотеке каждый день.

Thursday 4 December 2008

Предлоги времени at / on / in

at six o'clock
at five past two
at midnight
'At' generally refers to exact (clock) time.

on Thursday
on September the tenth
on Christmas Eve
'On' generally refers to a particular day.

in August
in the spring
in 1972
in the 19th century
'In' generally refers to longer periods.

Note, however, that there are a lot of idiomatic expressions of time, e. g. at once, at last, at breakfast, at the weekend, at night, in the daytime (but during the day), in the morning, in the end, on time.

Thursday 23 October 2008

Unit 2 Exercise 4

  1. also
    with several young people
  2. first
    in 1994
  3. Naturally
    without help
  4. Fortunately
    from the National Lottery

Unit 2 Exercise 3

  1. Tom likes football.
  2. David had an accident.
  3. We moved the piano.
  4. Harriet is a tall women.
  5. Everyone sat on the floor.
  6. Mike's friends have him some help.

Unit 2 Exercise 2

  1. e
  2. a
  3. c
  4. d

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Unit 2 Exercise 1

  1. subject
  2. verb
  3. complement
  4. adverbial
  5. object
  6. complement

Friday 17 October 2008

Unit 1 Exercises 3

  1. verb
  2. noun
  3. adjective
  4. verb
  5. noun
  6. verb
  7. verb
  8. noun
  9. adjective
  10. verb